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Entry requirements Spain & Mallorca

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Off to Mallorca! Wait, is that just possible? Find out everything you need to know about the regulations for travelling to Spain!

If you want to travel to Spain as a citizen of the European Union, this is relatively easy. German nationals have not needed a visa to travel to Spain since 1957. Today, freedom of movement applies throughout the EU. What do you need to bear in mind if you are planning a longer stay in Spain?

Are there special entry requirements for Mallorca? 

Mallorca is part of the Spanish state. This means that Mallorca, like the Spanish mainland, is part of the European Union. There are no border controls within the EU. Occasional random checks may be carried out when travellers cross intra-European borders. However, Mallorca as an island is not easily accessible.

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Most people travelling to Mallorca arrive by plane. When travelling by plane, a valid identification document, such as an identity card or passport, is required. However, you identify yourself to the airline and not to the Spanish state. Without a valid ID, you will encounter complications with airlines. You may even be excluded from the flight. Even if you are not checked by Spanish officials when you land, it is still important to carry a valid ID with you.

If you are travelling to Mallorca by ferry from the Spanish mainland, your ID will not usually be checked. For example, if you are travelling by car from Germany to Barcelona to take the ferry to Mallorca, you will most likely not be asked for your papers. If an ID check does take place, as a German citizen you are sufficiently equipped with your identity card or passport. These documents must not have been expired for more than 12 months and there are no special entry requirements for Mallorca. However, if you are planning to travel by plane, you should check the validity of your identity documents. The airlines may be less tolerant of expired ID documents than the Spanish government. With a valid EU ID card, you are on the safe side when entering the country.

Is the German identity card sufficient on Mallorca?

To be allowed to stay in Mallorca as a German citizen, you only need an identity card. Ideally, this should be valid. If you lose your identity card on the island, you can apply for a replacement document at the German consulate in Palma de Mallorca. The passport or identity card is important for travelling to Mallorca. The documents are just as important when travelling back to Germany. Without a valid identity document, you will encounter problems at the airport, hotel or car hire company.

A valid German identity card is all you need to stay on the island and be able to identify yourself legally. Children under the age of 16 should have a valid children's passport.

Do I need a passport for Mallorca? 

As an EU citizen, a passport is not mandatory in order to stay in Mallorca or to be able to enter the country at all. An identity card is completely sufficient. This regulation also applies to citizens of Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. This is because these countries, like the EU, are part of the Schengen Area, in which the free movement of persons prevails.

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As a citizen of a so-called third country, you need a valid passport and a visa to be allowed to stay in Spain. If you can present these documents, you can stay in Mallorca or other parts of Spain for a maximum of 90 days at a time. After that, your stay is considered permanent and other regulations apply.

Driving licence as ID - does it work on Mallorca?

With a German driving licence, travellers and expats can drive on Mallorca without any problems. However, you cannot identify yourself with your driving licence. Your driving licence does not replace your identity card or passport. Although your driving licence shows your photo, name and date of birth, it is not a recognised identification document. Even in Germany, you cannot identify yourself with your driving licence alone. You can only legally prove your identity with your identity card or passport. This applies in Spain as well as in Germany.

If you wish to renew your German driving licence, you must do so in the country in which your place of residence is registered. So if you have a permanent residence in Mallorca, you must extend or renew your driving licence in Spain. Unlike in Germany, regular health tests are required in Spain in order to be allowed to drive. This regulation does not apply to a German driving licence. You can therefore use a small loophole with your German driving licence in Mallorca and avoid the regular health test.

As a general rule, if you are travelling with a motor vehicle in Spain, you should always carry the registration certificate for the vehicle with you. Otherwise you may encounter problems during a traffic check. It does not matter whether the vehicle is registered in Germany or Spain.

Do I need a residence permit for Mallorca?

EU citizens do not need a residence permit for Spain. However, the situation changes as soon as you stay in the country for more than 90 days. After 90 days, you must apply for a so-called residencia.

Only those who can produce this are allowed to stay in Spain permanently. In order to be granted such a permanent residence permit, you must fulfil certain requirements. For example, you must be able to prove that you have sufficient financial means to finance your life in Spain without the help of the Spanish state.

Further information