Potsdam / Marquardt

Idyllic waterfront property on the banks of the nature reserve Obere Wublitz in Potsdam

Purchase price

€ 580.000,–

Ref. No.


Plot size

approx. 2.192 m²

The offered waterfront property is approx. 2,192 m² and very idyllically located on the banks of the Obere Wublitz. The Upper Wublitz is a Potsdam Havel watercourse in a nature reserve, which flows into the Schlänitzsee. Very impressive present themselves the natural banks with a diverse and breathtaking flora and fauna. Surrounded by various lakes, the location is a natural paradise on the outskirts of Potsdam.

  • Property at the nature reserve with access to the water
  • Property area approx. 2.192 m² at the water of Potsdam
  • Development within the framework of § 34 BauGB (neighborhood development) according to information from the planning office possible
  • Planning draft for semi-detached house
Equipment and special features

Plot size

approx. 2.192 m²

Idyllic location on the banks of the Upper Wublitz (Havel waters).

Natural paradise with breathtaking flora and fauna


Old tree population

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Request exposé
  • State capital Potsdam
  • 1990 included in the world cultural and natural heritage by UNESCO
  • Potsdam consists of 2/3 green areas and the waters of the Havel river
  • Distance city center and main station Potsdam approx. 13 km (approx. 15 driving minutes)
  • Distance to Kurfürstendamm approx. 33 km (approx. 35 minutes by car)
  • Distance airport BER approx. 60 km (approx. 50 driving minutes)
  • The noise of the A10 freeway can be heard
  • Direct connections to Berlin are available from the train station Marquardt
Energy certificate

has been applied for

Responsible for content

DAHLER Berlin Wannsee

Purchase price

€ 580.000,–

Ref. No.


Plot size

approx. 2.192 m²

Buyer's commission

7,14% inkl. MwSt. bezogen auf den beurkundeten Kaufpreis

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DAHLER Berlin Wannsee
Franchisenehmer der DAHLER & COMPANY Franchise GmbH:

CHGrund GmbH & Co. KG
Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter: Phillip Carstens und Stefan Hamann
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE333991329

Aufsichtsbehörde nach §34c GewO: Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf von Berlin - Abteilung Finanzen und Wirtschaft, Unter den Eichen 1, 12203 Berlin
Berufskammer: IHK Berlin

§34c Erlaubnis durch die Stadt Berlin vom 03.09.2020

Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie hier finden: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

Transparenzpflichten Standort Berlin Wannsee (PDF)